Software architect, project manager, and tech enthusiast.

I am passionate about software development and fluent in Python and JavaScript along with their respective frameworks, I've seamlessly merged my financial background with hands-on engineering. This unique background has enabled me to lead junior engineers as we collaboratively built innovative software solutions, one of which is currently patent pending. As I look forward to managing and contributing to more projects, I'm eager to further harness this synergy in both leadership and technical roles for future endeavors.

@ Location 1

@ Houston, TX

@ Sinaia, Romania

@ Lisbon, Portugal

@ Bran, Romania

Streamlining Data Analysis with Pandas: A Guide for Software Engineers

Learn how to manipulate, analyze, and visualize data effectively using Pandas library. This guide will take you from the basics to the more advanced functions of Pandas, helping you streamline your data analysis process and gain more insights from your data.

Maximizing Python Time Effeciency

A clever tutorial on how to use the threading module to optimize execution times. The post serves as a practical introduction to threading in Python and showcases its potential in improving the time efficiency of your Python programs.

Integrating FastAPI and React: Building a Full-Stack Application

The ability to seamlessly integrate frontend and backend technologies is a must. In this post, we will explore building a full-stack application using FastAPI and React, two popular and powerful technologies that are gaining ground in the developer community.

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  1. Company
    Software Engineer
  2. Company
    Westchase Associates
    Technical Project Manager
  3. Company
    Marqet Group
    Software Engineer
  4. Company
    Merrill Lynch
    Financial Advisor
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